I have been, for a long time now, taken a break from writing any sort of thoughts, choosing to instead lay dormant. I found myself unmoved to write and unwilling to look for the inspiration that is necessary to put words on paper. That is, until I had some coffee that fateful Sunday afternoon.
I was out with some friends for dinner one September afternoon, and after deciding that I could not afford a meal to warm my belly, decided to go with the world renowned cup of java to loosen up my bones. It was over this meal that many topics were placed in front off the audience for conversation, most of which pertained to the subject of sports; specifically the Red Sox ability to consistently loose focus before going into the playoffs. But as things normally do when a group of Christians go out for a meal, the conversation shifted to discussing things about the church, and well as per usual mainly things that frustrated people about the church. In the midst of the regular mumbo-jumbo that we all (myself included) spew out about the church there was a debate on going about people who make differences in the world, namely Bono. What was being argued was that on one side people wanted to believe that the man really did make an impact on this world, while the other side demanded evidence; which of course in a conversation of this magnitude – dinner with friends- none could be presented.
After we were all finished, I scurried on home to help clean the house for the company we were having that evening, and found myself with a firm grip on the vacuum. Now I do not know about you but I find that in those moments when I am doing nothing more than grooming the carpet that my mind drifts to the outer regions of nowhere and an opportunity for deep thinking presents itself.
And there it was, Bono, our hero - the man whom Scotty Dean would probably call a saint if you gave him the microphone. Now I am not really interested in whether or not you think Bono has done good in the world – but I think you are foolish to say that he has no influence – and on the same hand I am interested.
It occurs to me that we as Christians think we are in need of a leader. We long for that hero to show us how to live our lives, to take us out of our lukewarm beds and show us what ‘making our faith real’ is all about. And so we search all over the world in search of this person who meets a billion other people’s prerequisites of what a good leader should be. And we then inevitably find ourselves sitting over dinner claiming that the millions of dollars raised, and countless lives that have been altered by a suggested hero, does not quite cut it.
And then, during the back stroke of the vacuum that groomed that rug oh so well, I realized that we were not really looking for a hero, we were looking for Jesus. Think about it. How many times have I found someone who longed for change, a willing leader who was asking me to follow him or her, how many times have a critiqued one of them about; their hair, social drinking habit, poor choice of words, oral communication, poor planning, children, or any number of things. We consistently find a way out of giving ourselves to a cause because the leader of that cause, or even the cause itself is flawed?
We want a real, live, PHYSICAL display of Christ to come and show us what needs to be done, and how to do it, because those words in the Bible that are so often misinterpreted do not seem to be cutting it. And frankly, I know what they say, but let me see you live them out in perfection, and if you can do that then I will follow you. But until then, I am going to sit here in my – you name it; alcoholism; promiscuity; apathy; arrogance; - selfishness feeling sorry for myself and frustrated with the church.
We are selfish, and I will be the first one to admit it. I want Jesus to come here and show me what to do. I do not want to have to try and forgive that person, or clean pu my lifestyle, because is that really what He wants? He says yes she says no. So we say screw it, and until some one turns this grey world into something black and white I will not budge from pleasing my every selfish desire.
We don’t get a fleshly Jesus. And even if we did would it really fix things the way we think He would? He has given us each other, this broken and beat down fellowship of believers called the church. That’s are hero. Kind of a let down isn’t it? Here’s the thing the church was never made to function with one hero. It was made so that each one of us could play our part – whether that part that we play receives the credit we deserve or not – and together in wholeness minister as Jesus, in many ways never could. We need to stop being bitter and calling down those in leadership who have the courage to try and consistently fail, and back them up, playing our role, and give them the influence and support that we all need to succeed. Because I am sure you could look around and see that the church is not what it was supposed to be.
Good thing there is still hope. We’ve got time to make a difference, time to destroy our apathy and take up our roles. We just need to make sure that we somehow use the grace and the humility that’s freely given from Him and work together to make a difference. We are all broken; so let’s use each other’s pieces to fill in our holes.
Let us be heroes.