A daily journal on the thoughts, events, and happenings within the lives of those found inside Her Majesty's walls.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Discover Your Cave

It is that time of year again when students all over the globe get ready for their summer vacation. Of course if you’re a college student your will be delivered much earlier then those in high school but inevitably you will both celebrate the summer together. But something shifts in the mind of those students whom have arrived at their last year of their structured lives of these schools or colleges; they become filled with anxiety. Somehow, this apprehension of the unknown grips our minds and will not let us go until perhaps this fall when we once again decide to travel down a new path of live.

I want to suggest seemingly simple solution, yet an extremely frustrating one for most; trust. Trust not yourself although I’m sure a lot of us are more than capable of deciding our destiny for the coming years. But trust Him, your heavenly Father who so longingly wants to guide you where you belong. Cling to his hands so tightly never letting go, putting all trust in Him. He promised to be with us always, so we have no need to fear. He will be with us, and I would even go so far as He is guiding us without our knowing.

You need rest inside the cave as the wind whips by the entrance. The world can look so rash, so chaotic, but inside the cave where you trust the Lord life seems so calm and peaceful, so right. Almost like the eye of a tornado. So take some time to look inside yourself and relax. Enjoy the mystery that the future so often is, and know that He has it all in his hands. You should make a home in the cave too, it looks as though a couch would fit well in that corner. So go on and smile, because your adventure is once again taking a new turn and who knows the places you’ll go, the lives you’ll touch, and the things you’ll see. All from the comfort of inside your cave.

Monday, March 13, 2006


The television was on tonight, as it usually is in my house, and I happened to hear the scenario that was taking place on the screen. A man was being asked to give up his life for the betterment of everyone else. Immediately I was enraptured with the situation. I was speaking with my brother about having to walk through the same circumstances. The man on the screen called his young daughter and told her good-bye. He was weeping as he hung up the phone. I cannot imagine what that would have been like. Saying goodbye to someone for the knowingly last time would break me on the inside in so many ways. When the man had achieved his task and was about to die all that was said to him was a meaningful “thank-you”. All that for the good of everyone else. Imagine the bonds he had just severed with his daughter, yet something greater caused him to walk through these doors as he consciously lived the last minutes of his life. There are so many directions I could run with this, I’ll only touch a couple:

- This to me was such a huge modern day example of Christ’s sacrifice for me. Not necessarily the suffering part, but the idea of knowing your going to die. I can just imagine Him in the Garden, thinking to Himself, “Here we go”. He knew those were His last moments and still He walked them proudly, for the greater good of all man. What a sacrifice. Thank you so much Father, yet please continue to show me more of Your character.
- I think of the man on TV, and the hero he would have been in the coming days. Yet we all have modern day hero’s, they drive around in cars with a poppy on their license plate. The Veterans. Yet how often do we brush of the sacrifice they made? They gave their lives for us, the same way the guy on TV did, and while they are given respect on their day every year are they not worth more than one day out of an entire year? I’m not saying we need parades but perhaps a common respect among people my age. How long does the bliss of being a hero last? In my experience it doesn’t go past 50 years before we move on. Please understand my gross generalizations, I know I’m doing it, but please I have no intention of offending you. I place everyone in the same room. If your not supposed to be in that room, don’t be.
- Would you do it? I mean be a hero and knowingly sacrifice your life, the very gift that God has given you, for the betterment of everyone else. Even if it would hurt? What if your family had to watch? What if it was for people you disagreed with, or even despised? Would you still do it?
- Why does the idea of sacrifice ring something so deep inside us? Why do we recognize what is taking place? Why do we mourn over the loss, yet weep over the excitement of new hope? Why do we have heroes? Do you long to be a hero?

I have no idea where I was going with all those thoughts, I’m sure I could write a page on each one of then, and maybe I will someday. I love the thought of the hero, and respect them to the nth most degree. But watching what was taking place on television really made me wonder why I honor them, why I long to be a hero. Were we born to be heroic? I’d love the thoughts swirling around in your mind.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Really quickly, I thought I would reveal to those who havent found my 'more personal' yet often just as cryptic blog, where to find it. Click on Seth's picture and then the link Breathing Easy, or go to http://breathingeasier.blogspot.com/.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Have you ever experienced your heart forgetting to beat? Walking into a room and being so close to falling to your knees that you are overwhelmed? I know how you feel. It’s the same feeling that comes hand in hand with rolling over all night long while your trying to sleep. You have the same dream over and over while watching the minute hand of your watch slowly creep over those consecutive Roman numerals. You wish you were sleeping consistently but at the same time you love you the fact that somehow your managing to rest while being tied up in the constant duty of endless analysis. Being all consumed with something, someone, or some thought can be the most exciting place to be in the world depending on your state of mind. It can bring new opportunities, new adventures and new experiences. It is an exciting point in a person’s life. Hope gives birth to imagination and those stories can be the footing that a person runs on for years. Someone recently talked about imagination, I forget who it was. I think I might ask Walt Disney or C. S. Lewis, and see if they can tell me the directions home from Never Never Land.