It is that time of year again when students all over the globe get ready for their summer vacation. Of course if you’re a college student your will be delivered much earlier then those in high school but inevitably you will both celebrate the summer together. But something shifts in the mind of those students whom have arrived at their last year of their structured lives of these schools or colleges; they become filled with anxiety. Somehow, this apprehension of the unknown grips our minds and will not let us go until perhaps this fall when we once again decide to travel down a new path of live.
I want to suggest seemingly simple solution, yet an extremely frustrating one for most; trust. Trust not yourself although I’m sure a lot of us are more than capable of deciding our destiny for the coming years. But trust Him, your heavenly Father who so longingly wants to guide you where you belong. Cling to his hands so tightly never letting go, putting all trust in Him. He promised to be with us always, so we have no need to fear. He will be with us, and I would even go so far as He is guiding us without our knowing.
You need rest inside the cave as the wind whips by the entrance. The world can look so rash, so chaotic, but inside the cave where you trust the Lord life seems so calm and peaceful, so right. Almost like the eye of a tornado. So take some time to look inside yourself and relax. Enjoy the mystery that the future so often is, and know that He has it all in his hands. You should make a home in the cave too, it looks as though a couch would fit well in that corner. So go on and smile, because your adventure is once again taking a new turn and who knows the places you’ll go, the lives you’ll touch, and the things you’ll see. All from the comfort of inside your cave.
great post. Glad you are on board.
HEY Greg. miss you. really i do. i miss the blaring music from beside me and the pictures of brittany everywhere. but, most of all i miss the very sweet, kind and considerate guy who worked beside me and with me. you are an amazing person greg ... you are! Are you still writing? Other than for school? You are such an incredible writer and creative genius. I am coming back to Cowtown in June with David(Ruis) for a couple ministry things. Would love to catch up with you!
Hope your heart is well, my friend.
peaceout a town!
no word of a lie this post actually made sense to me which nothing lately has been doing. anyways i must say this semester has been great and its cool that i got to know you a bit. hope we can keep on being friends! but yeah this post was good. later
Dude, I think I've only been to your blog once and I figured that since you're always visiting mine, that I'd return the favor and check out your digs as well.
I like the place; you've done a great job with it and I'm glad that you're still going (especially after that protest). Keep going buddy.
By the way, you mentioned a couch in your post...you still have to get it to me -my cave's kind of empty right now.
Gregory, your blog made me feel awful, i cryed myself to sleep because of it
Nate F
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