I was reminded today of a story that you were told last summer and never got the answer to. It was a speak where you were caught off guard so much in fact that you were left to digest the comments on your own. I take it you are still doing just that, but lets relive the story so we can dive into all that it provoked once again...
It was last summer you were sitting somewhere in the mountains listening to a speak where you were told the story of a husband questioning her wife. She asked him, "If you could go to heaven right now, this very instant would you?" Almost without hesitation the husband replied, "No, because I have a calling to fulfill that I've have been asked to fulfill." Satisfied the wife went back to what she was doing and rethought the question. Moved again she prompted her husband one more time asking, "Alright then, if there was no calling to fulfill, nothing that was required of you, and you could go to heaven right now, would you, because there is no expectation or obligation stopping you now?" The husband leaned back and pondered, seemingly lost in thought. In fact the wife was almost feeling uncomfortable with the long silence. Then the husband moved, leaned up and said the words she never expected, because as you know anyone asking that question usually have an idea as to the response they are about to receive in return. "No," he replied, causing he face to drop unexpectedly, and then she followed the question with her own quickly asking, "Why!" Calmly and seemingly very sure of himself, he responded, "This is the only time in my life, even stretching for all of eternity, that I can worship God in my brokenness."
You remember right? Because you were unsure at the time if this type of thinking was correct. And you still don't know for sure, but something inside you tingles when you hear that story again. The hope of living each day out like you'll never get it again, living each moment of your life, knowing full well that this stage of your life will be completely finished and you'll never return to this type of brokenness again. Is it wrong to think this way? Perhaps, but your the one who is moved to run after your Lord with all that you were created to be after hearing it are you not? Brokenness, here for only a brief time, and all though we strive to relieve ourselves of all it is and has created for us, can we not revel in that struggle, in that fight, that journey towards righteousness that we will only have in this portion of our seemingly fractured lives? You want to say yes, but its a mystery for now, and you don't seem to care if it stays that way either.
A daily journal on the thoughts, events, and happenings within the lives of those found inside Her Majesty's walls.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Marching Penguins

After going to rent the movie "millions" I returned not empty handed, but with the disc "March of the Penguins". After understanding that movie was not about penguins and the wild adventures they had in the spring, or a female penguin named March, we played the title, and here's what you thought...
At one point in the movie you saw how the penguins moved in a line together, walking slowly for 70 miles and you were baffled at how these winged creatures could walk for a week straight and not eat for over 120 days. What kind of animal is this, and you laughed and cried during the film, but there was one point that really caught your eye. Besides the freezing embryos or the sacrificed little baby birds, there was this one point if you recall correctly with this one penguin walking the frozen desert all by himself, with no one to lead him other than instinct, or perhaps the stars. He walked, inch by inch clinging only to hope and then after hearing Him speak you made the connection, how many of you humans are walking that same lonely path? How many of you humans wake up each morning and the only goal is to put one foot ahead of the other? But there's the hope that keep the bird or you going. There's that one thing, that idealistic thought that lets you continue to strive for the unknown relying only on the faith that you've birthed yourself. Kinda crazy hey?
Who would have thought that you be able to have a moment in the middle of a documentary with fowl words in the title? Baby steps, remember the penguin whose hope could not be stolen. You need to protect your hope the same way, or become a penguin.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
So against my better judgment I have once again added one more thing to my pallet - a blog - Going against all I fought for in this past year and some time I have caved, and decided to release the only thing that I had sacred, my one safety, the last barrier I had to the outside world: 'your thoughts'. Oddly enough as long as I can remember this writing jazz has been like therapy, almost as if for something so much as pride I was causing myself to suffer for so long keeping them chained up within me. Well onto the next era of my life, with 'your thoughts' laid bare before you I would ask that you tip-toe around them until I get this place cleaned up, and bare with me, as this journey you are reading is as much yours as it is mine. Now, lets get to discussing what your thinking...
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