After going to rent the movie "millions" I returned not empty handed, but with the disc "March of the Penguins". After understanding that movie was not about penguins and the wild adventures they had in the spring, or a female penguin named March, we played the title, and here's what you thought...
At one point in the movie you saw how the penguins moved in a line together, walking slowly for 70 miles and you were baffled at how these winged creatures could walk for a week straight and not eat for over 120 days. What kind of animal is this, and you laughed and cried during the film, but there was one point that really caught your eye. Besides the freezing embryos or the sacrificed little baby birds, there was this one point if you recall correctly with this one penguin walking the frozen desert all by himself, with no one to lead him other than instinct, or perhaps the stars. He walked, inch by inch clinging only to hope and then after hearing Him speak you made the connection, how many of you humans are walking that same lonely path? How many of you humans wake up each morning and the only goal is to put one foot ahead of the other? But there's the hope that keep the bird or you going. There's that one thing, that idealistic thought that lets you continue to strive for the unknown relying only on the faith that you've birthed yourself. Kinda crazy hey?
Who would have thought that you be able to have a moment in the middle of a documentary with fowl words in the title? Baby steps, remember the penguin whose hope could not be stolen. You need to protect your hope the same way, or become a penguin.
In a sense, you are a penguin already!
Sharply dressed, persistent and nothing can get through the 5-hole.
Honestly, I can see those characteristics developing in you...the people that you hang out with often rub off some of their character onto you and I'm glad to see you've caught the good stuff.
It's true. I've never been so moved by a bunch of birds. So much of it seemed harsh. A big moment for me was when all the penguins were all huddled together for warmth fighting against the bitter cold. rough.
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