The delay has been necessary, but to ‘Your Thoughts’ we move.
It was some time ago now – and this seems to be for a lot of things – that I watched a film that moved me in a way I never thought it would. It involved the wildest of characters, a 30-foot gorilla and the women he loved. It was so strange to see the interaction between the two, having this woman who so longingly wished to leave and be anywhere but with the ape. Yet as time progresses in the film the woman sees something, some sort of value in this beast and she becomes visibly attached. I was mesmerized as I watched these two beings being tangled in emotions as they spent more and more time together. The were playing on frozen lakes, making each other laugh, and then when the time came to be separated the two would do anything it took to be back together. They would scale large buildings, sell off relationships that have existed for years, they would ruin any public image they had built, and sell any benefit for the other. What was this driving force behind their actions? Why would a person sacrifice all of who they are for something they can’t control? I watched and was convinced of this apes love for this woman. As he fell to his doom I was crushed from his loss. It was as if I had witnessed something that was perhaps not rare in its existence but rare in its expression. I left that theatre with the warm sensation of something that I so desperately desired. What was it? Was it love? Was it what William Shakespeare so poetically portrayed in his scripts that so entwine our thoughts centuries later? If this longing is so strong in us all, why can’t we go to our local convince store and buy a bottle or package of it? Perhaps we try with our affairs, drugs, lies and rebellion, but it never works out. One thing I find so interesting about the hit television show ‘The OC’ is that the main parental role in the show demonstrates a functioning loving relationship. Perhaps part of the shows draw is this ‘rare’ relationship, this unknown example of love between two people. Why is it that this love seems to be so unknown yet so longed for? We watch films like ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and love the fact that things turn out in the end perhaps so unexpectantly. Why is it that in this college in the second semester we can look around and watch, as a number of individuals seem to have come across this love? What is it in us that so seemingly longs for this love? We are perfectly loved by our heavenly Father, but even He said man shouldn’t be alone. Why do we long for it, search for it, kill for it, sacrifice for it, desire it, flee from it, fear it, lose sleep over it. Something is missing in our world in a big way. I’m not saying it is not there but it is suppressed wherever it is. I have discovered in this small yet never regrettable existence of mine that if I feel like asking a question then someone else somewhere else is thinking of asking it too. Why are there so many poor examples of how to love someone and with that why is it so hard to find and keep it? I’m not the only one asking, this picture says so.
love is against who we are... not who we were created to be. love is hard to find i think because we grab for it when all we need to do is open ourselves up for it. Be honest and sincere because love, to be love, has to face human errors and mistakes. and i agree it is fully hard to comprehend and understand... like God. Its a mystery, but very necessary.
Love... wow that is an endless subject. One that I spend most of my time on. hundreds of pages of writing and thousands of hours in pondering. I know what love is not, but what it is. I can say Jesus is love hmmm does that help you. Well its true of course, but love is something that needs to be explored. Love is what I am have been learning about almost soley for the last 3 or 4 years. More about how to love then what it is. Love is hardships, Love is about everybody else and not you. Love is about sacrafice, love is about pain, Love is about longing... oH how it is abou longing!, Love can not be given and not recived (most often given and not recived). It about doing anything to make someone else happy, even if they spit in your face and say they hate you. Love in the hardest thing in the world. Love is being burned but still wanting more.
Thats all i have for now Greg. You phone me up and i can go for at least an hour on love!
I don't know about you, but i thought that movie blowed, becasue of the fact the ape loved the girl. I can see your point, but i think that there is not a strong connection. I thought it was an infatuation on the monkeys part, and pet like relationship with the girl.
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