With my time for writing seemingly disappearing during recruitment and the Stanley Cup playoffs, I have been tempted to fill this page with things that did not tweak my interest or heart for that matter. I have resisted and unbeknownst to me found myself getting side swiped of all places at Wal-Mart in Moose Jaw.
We were traveling around town looking for the big W, and after exploring its contents for a while were getting ready to leave. Before we left the female members of the team had to check one last section leaving Craig and myself to entertain ourselves. We heard a jingle coming from a box hanging off the shelf and decided to further investigate. Turns out it was one of those boxes full of nature sounds, work out music and classical hits, where you press the button and get a small sample of the musical treats inside. Craig played a song from Avril Lavigne, who lyrics spouted off, “she said see ya later boy, he wasn’t good enough for her…” Having heard this countless times before I thought nothing much of it until I replayed the lyric in my head prompting the question…who decides who is ‘good enough’ for another person?
I had a tough time thinking about it because I’ve thought it so many times before. I have noticed a developing relationship and thought that one person was not good enough for the other. Why was this? Well it was probably a judgment based on past choices or circumstances, current choices and lifestyles, personality, attitude, or any other number of things. I am sure many of us have considered these thoughts before but are they to be validated? Should we allow ourselves to categorize each other into classes, when we are all seen as equals in the eyes of Christ? To me it seems so odd, but it is almost like a pattern in life, where certain sections of people date certain sections of other people. I can have discussions where people will bring up the idea of having romantic feelings for someone but submitting them to the trash because that person sees there self as being unwilling to measure to the one having caught their eye or heart. I cannot seem to comprehend where this type of thinking developed, but I have to admit it has infected my thinking.
Another thought that came out of this thought was, without censoring my presumptions and judgments, why is it that certain people end up dating or marrying when one member of the party doesn’t seem to -for lack of a better term – measure up? In my very brief existence I have unfortunately run across a very common theme, where young women seem to be very self conscious and insecure of themselves. I wish it could be otherwise, but I have encountered so many deflating stories to believe it to be otherwise. Now what I have noticed is that a man may come into a young women’s life and make her feel beautiful and wonderful like the princess she is and was born to realize and they will fall in love. But I think to myself that person deserves ‘better’. Shame on me and my skewed views. Is it not my own selfishness that would wish for someone to be with someone else for MY own happiness? Or do I genuinely care for both individuals and want the best for both? It is a fine line that seems impossible to see and perhaps harder to walk. What I am learning is there are no rules to love, no prerequisites, perhaps just circumstance, maybe destiny, maybe a little bit of both. I know so little on the subject it is humbling, but I thought I would share this thought of self-discovery.
We need to treat brothers and sisters of Christ with love and respect. I can feel so convicted when I catch myself placing people in certain tiers of respect. If this type of judgment is wrong I pray the Lord redeem my thoughts and cleanse my heart of such selfish desires. I would love your insight into the subject of viewing peoples choices in a relationship, whether you think it justified or not, let me hear your views of this unpredictable dance.
I think it was near the Moose Jaw Wal-Mart parking lot that I figured I wasn't good enough for Janelle, so I better pop the question before she figures it out.
Great post Greg!
It seems to me that whenever I unfortunately catch myself analyzing whether "he is 'good enough' for her" or visa versa...it comes out of some kind of self-reassurance that I myself will end up in a relationship where we "both measure up". That there is some kind of law that ensures that memebers of both parties will get what they deserve (for the good or the bad)
Which then goes back to your other blog about grace. Where's grace in having to measure up? Everything that I have said above lacks grace. I agree with you when you said,
"What I am learning is there are no rules to love, no prerequisites, perhaps just circumstance, maybe destiny, maybe a little bit of both."
Maybe it's a bit of grace in there too.
Growing up after my parents seperated I always figured that I was not good enough. I was never good enough, not for myself not for anyone. But now that God has a hold of my heart, those feelings have changed. I don't exactly know where I am going with this but... I'll just stop there.
Again with thoughts of love... a man after my own heart! I have given great thought to this very subject. WHo makes these standards of worthy and unworthy. I have come to the conclusion that i must throw it away or attempt to. I feel very unworthy of any womens Affections no matter how unvalidated people see these thoughts. I am one who has a distaste for "the Perfect women" I am not attracted to someone who seems to have it all together or pretends to have it all together. "i come to love not be finding the perfect person but by seeing the un-perfect person perfectly" I have and maybe always will be attracted to the Honestly "make no apolpgies for it" flawed person. Drug attict, over zelous, glutton. Life full of sin. I seem to see them with eyes of affection, (not that i will date someone who will bring me into there problems)I try very hard to see the soul of another person and go from there. All people are equal but i am not attracted to all people. Love should not be calculated or be put into charts. If i love to be around her and hate when we are a part that should be enough.
I love you Greg!
Peace Out
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