A daily journal on the thoughts, events, and happenings within the lives of those found inside Her Majesty's walls.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Turning Point

These past years I have gone through quite a transformation. I feel comfortable in my own skin, so at home. It’s as though after all these years I have finally grasped what the Lord had planned for me, and I have embraced myself I suppose. These past few years the Lord showed me what He could do through me if I let Him take my fears, my insecurities, my hopes, my dreams, and my desires.

But it wasn’t always this way. I can very vividly remember growing up in my loving home, church, and community, watching people live their lives with all sorts of different intensity. I can recall going to Pembina gospel camp where the Lord ignited Himself within me, finally revealing to me that He was not the God of my Father, but He wanted to be my God. I can remember that day so clearly, because it was a huge turning point in my walk. After that week I have never looked back in my walk with the Lord. But at the same time I have not always looked forward. The following years were all ‘good’, I did ‘good’ things, didn’t get into too much trouble, and I lived my life the best I could for Him. But I again can remember walking the halls of my high school knowing I was called to be someone more confidant, more bold, more loving, more fearless. It was stirring within me and the opinions of people would keep that longing caged in as I watched myself live this ‘good’ life. In no way did I want to live this ‘good’ life, because there was so much more He had for me, but at the same time it was safe. That safety is something I held onto very tightly growing up. I created this huge archetype for who I am and lived within the safety of its walls. That was until He broke it down and called me out.

I can’t pin point when it happened, but it was more like a process, and now in this skin I feel alive. I feel as though I find my strength, my ability in Him. He is my every thought, my every breath. In discovering this and arriving at this place I have watched the Lord draw out that longing to be bold and fearless that laid dormant for so many years. I can’t recall how many times I had to tell people this year that I wasn’t always this outgoing and bold. They would seem shocked to learn that within the past few years I had walked into who I now am. It was as if what was driving me was no longer fear, but that it was love, mercy, grace, and thankfulness. I now love to dream - always did - but now I can believe those dreams to come true. Some days I feel as though nothing can stop me, because we are running together, and as I find my refuge in Him we will continue to turn the pages on this unfolding adventure. Yes I am still walking through this everyday, and in no way is everyday perfect. It’s a process but it’s oh so exciting to be apart of.

The reason I am writing about this today is I recently have been in conversation with someone who has walked through the same thing. They used to be timid and shy, and now you would call them a liar for even speaking the words. Something shifted in this person’s life when they had an encounter with the Lord, and if you were to meet this person you can tell something is different about them.

My thoughts are this; is this common thing to walk through? How many of us desire to embrace who we are made to be at any cost? Does fear hold us back and make us retreat to safety, chaining us to the mediocrity of our lives, while we always dream about how we could have gone further if only we could break these walls? Is this a common experience, or is it rare? Do many share this longing or is it only a rare experience. I feel as though I have done a 180. Paul’s life did a 180 when he encountered Christ, and in some ways I can relate with his story. I’m longing to know what you guys think, and I know this is going to take some honesty perhaps, but I genuinely desire to know, if there are more people out there waiting to embrace all He has for them.


doxasky said...

The first time I heard a life-changing story like this was in my first year. With her, as with you, it is difficult to comprehend that you were such a radically different person before, but I believe that it is true. Hearing of these transformations gives me hope that one day I too will be a different person, a bolder person. I know that this transformation has been taking place in my life, but it seems to be taking its time. I will continue to explore myself and this world and to seek the face of Christ and allow myself to be changed in His presence. Thanks for the post. Your life is an inspiration.

Nichole said...

Again - I can totally relate to what you're saying. I think I'm just at the point that you're talking about though. ('How many of us desire to embrace who we are made to be at any cost?')

I absolutely loved this part of your post.

'I can’t pin point when it happened, but it was more like a process, and now in this skin I feel alive. I feel as though I find my strength, my ability in Him. He is my every thought, my every breath'

I don't know how to describe how motivating this is to me. Reading your post is like, 'Yeah, I have this. But I want *more* of it.'

Ash-Am said...

Great post Greg! I think this kinda relates...but I've been looking around me for signs of transformation through the grace of resortation. The broken becoming new again. Honestly, I know it in my life but sometimes I really want to see it elsewhere just so I know I"m not crazy!! So many broken heart walking around my town, that I want to see if any can be fixed!

So one day last week when I was getting a movie, the lady behind the counter started sharing with me her entire life story and just how God has reshaped her life and taught her how to love the people who abused her (it was actually a really really rough story). I didn't even know this person, but it was so powerful!

So there's hope!

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg,

I sort of wandered on here. I did read this post and wanted to say that this is totally my story. As a kid I was was a hermit, literally. I didn't have a single friend for three years at one point and I rarely talked to anyone.

I remember going on Street Invaders the first time. I hung around in a corner almost all the time, pretending to be invisible. When we went to witness in the streets I couldn't even pick up a normal conversation. That was a turning point in my life though. That summer God began to work in me and for the next couple of years I just watched myself transform. I began to have friends. I began to speak to people, and I began to even like myself. Even still I find God constantly changing me drawing me out in new and different ways. It makes me think of that verse in the Bible which says "We ARE being saved." The act of santification is always a present action, never is it limited to the past or future, but even at this very moment God is transforming our lives bit by bit.